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Channel 4 - Chris Moyles Quiz Night - October 2011

World class TV Themes from Music 4.

Channel 4 - Chris Moyles Quiz Night

Ref #chrismoylesquiznight - October 2011
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Project Info

Chris Moyles Quiz Night

Chris Moyles Quiz Night

Client Info

Channel 4 is a public-service British television station, broadcast to all areas of the United Kingdom, which began transmissions in 1982. Though entirely commercially self-funded, it is ultimately publicly owned: Originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), the station is now owned and operated by the Channel Four Television Corporation, a public body established in 1990 for this purpose and which came into operation in 1993, following the abolition of the IBA.

The station was established to provide a fourth television service to the UK that would break the duopoly of the BBC's two established television services and the single commercial broadcasting network, ITV, then the only services broadcast there. Though having seen new competition through the subsequent availability and growth of cable, satellite and digital terrestrial stations, Channel 4 still enjoys almost universal coverage, and a significant audience share.

Channel 4 was established with, and continues to hold, a remit of public service obligations which it must fulfil. The remit changes periodically, as dictated by various broadcasting and communications acts, and is regulated by the various authorities Channel 4 has been answerable to; originally the IBA, then the ITC and now Ofcom.