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BBC Radio 1 - Sarah Cox - February 2000

World class radio jingles for world class radio stations from the team at Music 4.

BBC Radio 1 - Sarah Cox

Ref #001041 - February 2000
Highlights Project Info
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Audio Highlights

All Music 4 Audio / Video is protected under international copyright law and is provided here only as a demonstration of our work. Unauthorised broadcast, copying, web streaming, or any other use of our work is strictly prohibited.

This project and presentation was produced under our former name of Vibe Music & Audio Imaging. Please be assured all copyright in this work is now owned by Music 4 Ltd throughout the world.

Project Info

Sarah Cox takes over breakfast.

New cuts for Coxy at Breakfast on Radio 1.

Client Info

Radio 1 is the BBC's national music channel targeting the 15 to 24 age group and home to some of the UK's best known DJs.